Did you know ?

Source : Bill Munger from Harvard University

Source : Bill Munger from Harvard University

We do know how to capture carbon

The most powerful and hi-tech technology is avaiblabe : Trees

This drawing shows you how trees capture carbon from the atmosphere


Forest are responsible for half of the natural uptake of CO2

(Source : CGDEV)

Since 1750, Deforestation is responsible for one-third of emissions
natural forests capture CO2

Deforestation and Reforestation

(Source : CGDEV)


More to read

  1. Carbon Sequestration through Reforestation: An Effective Measure to Mitigate the Climate Change (Link to article)

  2. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world's forests (Link to article)

  3. The global potential for carbon capture and storage from forestry (Link to article)

  4. Our most powerful, high-tech climate solution? Our forests (Link to article)


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